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Isabella Kahhalé

 Clinical & Developmental 


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I'm a sixth-year Clinical-Developmental PhD student at the University of Pittsburgh studying early life adversity, neuroscience, antisociality, & prosociality.

I am applying for internship this Fall 2024!


I work with Professor Jamie Hanson to understand how adverse childhood experiences influence the development of a) the brain, b) antisocial behavior (e.g., aggression, criminality) and c) prosocial behavior (e.g., empathy, helping behaviors). 


After graduating with a B.S. in Cognitive & Brain Sciences from Tufts University, I joined the Stanford Social Neuroscience Lab led by Professor Jamil Zaki to study the neural foundations of empathy. ​


I am also passionate about service work with under-resourced members of my community and incorporating a culturally-humble lens in my research and clinical work. I have completed externships/practicum placements at the following sites: 



And I am currently an extern at the following sites: 


  • UPMC Mother and Family Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)   Clinic 

  • Center for Traumatic Stress in Children and Adolescents, Allegheny General Hospital â€‹



Check out some of the projects that I'm currently working on below! 

Dissertation:  Early Life Adversity, Empathy, & Externalizing Psychopathology.

​Early life adversity (ELA) describes a diverse range of common and stressful experiences from living in poverty to facing caregiver abuse. Experiences of ELA are known to increase the risk of various mental health challenges; chief among them are symptoms of externalizing psychopathology, which include aggression, irritability, and hyperactivity. Externalizing symptoms are the most common reason that youth are referred to mental health treatment and are associated with maladaptive outcomes across multiple domains. Yet, it remains unclear what explains this link between ELA and externalizing psychopathology.


Empathy, which refers to the ability to understand and resonate with others’ thoughts and emotions, plays a critical role in the formation of healthy social relationships and therefore could explain this risk pathway connecting ELA to externalizing psychopathology. The influence of ELA on the development of empathy, and how such changes cascade to externalizing psychopathology, remain under-explored.


My dissertation (proposed June 2024) uses the Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development (ABCD)™ Study and longitudinal growth curve modeling to investigate how ELA influences changes in empathy across the transition from childhood to adolescence, and how these changes predict externalizing behavior across this same developmental period.


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Early Life Adversity & Empathy

Research has established early life adversity (ELA) as a powerful antecedent to an array of socioemotional problems, but it is less clear how ELA impacts empathy specifically. Empathy is a fundamental skill linked to social development and resilience and underpins critical processes such as successful interpersonal interactions, bond formation, and prosocial behavior. ​

I have investigated associations between early life adversity and empathy across several studies. In one study, I examined performance on a gold-standard naturalistic measure of empathy as a moderator between ELA and externalizing behavior in an online sample of 165 adults. I found that individuals with poor empathy skills who experienced certain aspects of ELA were more likely to report externalizing behavior as adults. Average and above-average empathy skills, however, were protective against this ELA-externalizing link (Kahhale et al., 2024, Affective Science). 



















Paradigm used to collect observer ratings. Observers used a visual analog scale from “Very Negative” to “Very Positive” and dragged the slider as the video was playing to rate the target’s valence. Videos captured targets’ faces and shoulders against a clean, black backdrop. Figure inspired by Ong et al., 2019. Cartoon derived from Image Generator. 



For my comprehensive exams, I authored a scoping review of 41 empirical articles on ELA and empathy to identify gaps for continued exploration (Kahhale et al., under review). My review highlighted that while some evidence has linked ELA to compromised empathy, other research has found increased empathy following ELA. From these muddled findings, I derived actionable recommendations for future research on childhood trauma and socioemotional functioning. These included the need to a) broaden the operationalization of ELA in research, b) explore nuanced subtypes and naturalistic measures of empathy, and c) focus on adolescence as a sensitive developmental period.

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Aggression & Empathy

​I've long since been interested in the relationship between aggression and empathy and explored these constructs in a sample of adolescents (N = 103) at high risk for emotion dysregulation. I considered youth-report empathy on a newly-validated self-report empathy measure (i.e., the CASES) and multi-informant reports on aggression (i.e., youth, parent, and teacher) across two timepoints.


















I found that certain empathy subtypes -- namely, somatic empathy -- was associated with decreased proactive and reactive aggression in teens (Kahhale et al., 2024)​.  This underscored the role of empathy as a resilience factor.


I am now exploring the shared and distinct neural correlates of empathy and aggression in this same sample (pre-registration:

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The Impact of Racism-Based Traumatic Stress on Youth

Integrating clinical observations with research, co-authors and I published recommendations for researchers and clinicians on addressing racism-based stress among youth of color (Kahhale et al., 2024, JAACAP). Racism-related experiences are a ubiquitous reality for youth of color, with research indicating that some youth may encounter as many as five incidents of racial discrimination daily. These experiences reinforce health disparities across the lifespan and have been linked to psychological symptoms including suicidal thoughts, depression, and anxiety. Further, racism exposure can trigger biological and psychological stress responses such as avoidance and hypervigilance. Despite concerns regarding the impact of racism-based traumatic stress (RBTS) on development, RBTS has received limited recognition in clinical practice. We provide concrete recommendations for formally acknowledging the impact of RBTS on these populations, as failing to identify and address RBTS symptoms may compromise the quality of mental health services received by youth of color.

Empathy can influence our understanding of others and bias our decision making.  While at the Stanford Social Neuroscience Lab, I investigated how taking the perspective of a victim or a perpetrator of a crime might impact the extent to which we punish and dehumanize the perpetrator. 


We  conducted a) an exploratory experiment, b) a second replication study pre-registered on the Open Science Foundation, and c) an analysis of restricted-access archival data on over 12 million national incarceration records.

Empathy & Outcomes
in a Legal Context

We found that hearing the perpetrator’s perspective led to a shorter recommended sentence, and more importantly, less dehumanization. These results highlight the impactful nature of someone’s story in influencing perceptions of their behavior (Kahhale et al., revise & resubmit). 

publications & presentations


Kahhale, I., Barry, R. K., Ong, D. C., Zaki, J., Hanson, J. L., (2024). Exploring the Role of Empathy in

the Association Between Early Life Adversity and Antisocial Behavior. Affective Science.


Kahhale, I., Puccetti. N. A., Heller, A. S., Hanson, J. L. (2024). Probing connections between social connectedness, mortality risk, and brain age: A preregistered study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.


Kahhale, I., Farrise, K., Das, A., McPhee, J., Galán, C.A., Scholars for Elevating Equity and Diversity (SEED), and Park, A. (2024). Recognizing the impact of racism-based traumatic stress on youth: Implications for research and clinical practice. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.​


Hanson, J. L., Kahhale, I., Sen, S. (2024). Integrating Data Science and Neuroscience in Developmental Psychopathology: Formative Examples and Future Directions. Development and Psychopathology.


Kahhale, I., Hanson, J.L., Raine, A., Byrd A.L. (2024). Associations Between Subtypes of Empathy and Aggression in High-Risk Adolescents. J Psychopathol Behav Assess. 10112-1


Kahhale, I., Barry, K., Hanson, J. L. (2023). Positive parenting moderates associations between childhood stress and corticolimbic structure. PNAS Nexus


Hanson, J. L., O’Connor, K., Adkins, D. J., & Kahhale, I. (2023). Childhood Adversity and COVID-19 Outcomes: Findings from the UK Biobank. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health.


Kahhale, I., Buser, Nicholas J., Madan, Christopher R., Hanson, Jamie L. (2023). Quantifying numerical and spatial reliability of amygdala and hippocampal subdivisions in FreeSurfer. Brain Informatics.


Richie-Halford, A., Cieslak, M., Ai, L., Caffarra, S., Covitz, S., The Fibr Community Science Consortium... & Rokem, A. (2022). An analysis-ready and quality controlled resource for pediatric brain white-matter research. Scientific Data, 9(1), 1-27.


Bacas, E., Kahhale, I., Raamana, P.R., Pablo, J.R., Anand, A.S., Hanson, J.L.(2023). Probing Multiple Algorithms to Calculate Brain Age: Examining Reliability, Relations with Demographics, and Predictive Power. Human Brain Mapping.


Kahhale, I. ,(2022). ThePromiseofPrediction:ReviewofGlenn&Raine,NatRevNeuro,2014.Invited submission to Nature Reviews Psychology.


Galán, C., Tung, I., Tabachnick, A.,Sequeira, S., Novacek, D.M., Kahhale, I.,...Bekele, B.(2022). Combatting the conspiracy of silence: Clinician recommendations for talking about racism and racism- related events with youth of color. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychology.

Selected by JAACAP as an “Editor’s Best of 2022” article.


Ong, D.C., Wu, Z., Zhi-Xuan, T., Reddan, M., Kahhale, I., Mattek, A. ,& Zaki,J. (2019). Modeling emotion in complex stories: the Stanford Emotional Narratives Dataset. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing.


Seligowski, A.V., Lebois, L.A.M., Hill, S.B., Kahhale, I., Wolff, J.D., Jovanovic, T., Winternitz, S.R., Kaufman, M. L., & Ressler, K. J., (2019). Autonomic responses to fear conditioning among women with PTSD and dissociation. Depression and Anxiety.

Recent Presentations

Kahhale, I. (2024). Exploring the Nexus of Early Life Adversity and Empathy: A Comprehensive Review of Past Research and Recommendations for Future Directions. Research talk presented to the Department of Psychology Jeremy Johnson Landen Award Event, April 2024.


Kahhale, I. (2024). Treating Trauma and Suicidality in a Minoritized Adolescent: a Cultural Case Conceptualization & Presentation. Talk presented to Pitt Clinical Students, March 20th, 2024.


Kahhale, I., Hanson, J. L. (2024). Probing connections between social connectedness, mortality risk, and brain age: A preregistered study. Poster presented at the Social and Affective Neuroscience Society Conference (April 10-13, 2024).


Kahhale, I., Hanson, J. L., Raine, Adrian, Byrd, A. L. (2023). Emotion regulatory brain structure and 

normative deviations: connections with subtypes of aggression. Poster at Developmental Affective Neuroscience Symposium Conference, November 9th 2023.


Kahhale, I., Hanson, J. L., Raine, Adrian, Byrd, A. L  (2023). Socioemotional brain structure and 

normative deviations: Connections with subtypes of empathy and aggression. Invited Flash Blitz Talk at Aggression and Violent Behavior Conference, October 2023.


Kahhale, I., Barry, K., Hanson, J. L. (2023). Empathic Accuracy Moderates the Association between 

Early Life Adversity and Adult Antisocial Behavior. Data Blitz Talk at Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy Early Career Event, May 2023.


Kahhale, I., Barry, K., Hanson, J. L. (2023). Empathic Accuracy Moderates the Association between 

Early Life Adversity and Adult Delinquency. Poster presented at Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy Early Career Event, May 2023.


Kahhale, I., Barry, K., Hanson, J. L. (2023). Positive Parenting Moderates Associations between 

Childhood Stress and Corticolimbic Structure. Poster presented at SRCD biennial meeting, March 2023.


Kahhale, I., Barry, R. K., Hanson, J. L., (2023). Empathic Accuracy Moderates the Association between 

Early Life Adversity and Adult Delinquency. Flash talk presented at Society for Affective Science (SAS) Meeting, April 2023. 


Symposium Chair, Heterogeneity in Externalizing Psychopathology: the Contribution of Multiple 

Etiological Pathways across Childhood and Adolescence (2023). Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) biennial meeting symposium, March 2023.  


Kahhale, I., Hanson, J. L., Raine, Adrian, Byrd, A. L. (2023). Associations between Empathy and 

Aggression Subtypes in High-Risk Adolescents. Symposium talk at SRCD biennial meeting, March 2023.



Lecturer/Instructor of Record

June 2021 - August 2021

University of Pittsburgh

Organized and taught a full course delivered remotely; integrated multiple platforms including Canvas, Panopto, and Top Hat

Introduction to Social Psychology

Guest Lecturer

October 2021, April 2021



March 2020

"Childhood Maltreatment & the Brain."



"The Stress Response & Adverse Childhood Experiences."

University of Pittsburgh

Introduction to Psychology

University Counseling Center Workshop Facilitator

June 2020 - August 2020

University Counseling Center

University of Pittsburgh

I led virtual workshops on stress management, mindfulness, & other topics aimed at helping students cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. 

I also developed 3 workshops related to self-care including practicing gratitude, engaging in hobbies, & regulating autonomic nervous system activity. 


May 2020 - August 2020

I provided weekly academic support to a young woman with learning disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Pittsburgh, PA

Graduate Teacher's Assistant 

January 2020 - April 2020

August 2022 - December 2022

I served as a graduate TA for Professor Melinda Ciccoccopo.

Introduction to Psychology

University of Pittsburgh

Undergraduate Teacher's Assistant 

August 2016 - December 2016

Introduction to Psychology

I served as a TA for Professors Elizabeth Race, Jessica Remedios, and Paul Muentener. 

Tufts University 

about me

about me

see what I've been reading!
see what I've been eating!


I am a Lebanese-American from Boston, MA now in Pittsburgh for graduate school, seeking to understand how early adverse experiences shape developmental trajectories. My parents survived the Lebanese Civil War and worked tirelessly to provide a better life for my brother, my sister, and me; I have them to thank for instilling in me a) a curiosity to understand how trauma and adversity impact behavior and well-being, b) a passion for service work within my community, and c) an undying love of food. 


I am a doting mother to two adopted cats, Momo (pictured left, named after Maury the hormone monster on the Netflix show Big Mouth) and Mimi (pictured right, named after the NPR host Lakshmi Signh). Ask me for more pictures and I promise the content will never stop. 


Staying active is the main tool in my self-care arsenal. I "enjoy" (i.e., suffer through) crossfit workouts, rowing, snowboarding, cycling, and poorly playing tennis.


I also love reading (particularly audiobooks, and particularly ones read by the author), traveling, and eating. If you find yourself in Pittsburgh one of these days, please reach out for food recommendations; I'd get a lot more research done if I spent as much time reading papers as I do menu-prowling. 






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© 2024 by Isabella Kahhale. Last Updated Oct. 2024.

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